Statement responding to defamation occurring in June 2023 / 有關2023年6月誹謗陳述的聲明
How is this incident a failure of feminism? / 女性主義(Feminism)在此事件如何失效?
*See below for Chinese translation. Thank you to the Hongkonger friend who helped prepare this translation on short notice, with my input regarding specific terms and wording. In the event of discrepancies, please refer to the English version of this statement.
As several friends, colleagues, and students know, recently I was attacked on Chinese social media with highly offensive defamation spread by young mainland Chinese feminists/students based in China and the U.S., who also threatened further harassment. This situation has left me feeling unsafe not only in Chinese-speaking contexts but also in U.S. spaces of academia and feminist/queer activism tied directly to my research and outreach. After seeking legal advice, I am releasing a public statement in both English and Chinese to deny these false claims and warn others about these circumstances. I refuse to repeat the defamatory statements made but respond with my own strongly worded statement concerning how those attacking me — or complicit in this attack — fail in terms of their feminism.
At this point, I will not yet publicly share the full details, and it is difficult to openly express the extent of the psychological damage and stress that I have experienced. However, I know that many of you will feel concern regardless. Thank you for your support.
I am writing to respond to defamatory statements made about me earlier this year which I learned of on June 7, 2023, published on two mainland Chinese social media platforms: 1) a WeChat group entitled “Overseas Gender Studies” (性別研究海外學友), consisting of approximately 250 members (students, academics, and others interested in gender studies), and 2) a post on the Xiaohongshu blogging platform.
The defamation on the Xiaohongshu post (since removed) was made by an unknown user. The defamatory statements in the WeChat group were made by a person with the username “一小撮毛” (also known as “小毛” and “Echo”), the co-organizer of a Chinese feminist stand-up comedy group named “相当女子.” According to a public online profile, this individual is/was recently an MA student in gender and development at the University of Melbourne. In addition, I am aware of at least one other individual involved with the defamation, who is one of the founders of a diasporic Chinese queer feminist group that has benefitted from funding, publicity, and other support from U.S. universities.
The defamatory statements are false, highly offensive, and irreparably damaging to my professional reputation by identifying my name and workplace. Malicious publication of defamatory, libelous statements while knowing them to be false is a criminal offense. Should any parties continue to make such statements, I reserve my right to take all necessary steps to protect and enforce my rights and interests. Any legal proceedings would be public.
How is this incident a failure of feminism?
My statement makes clear my strong denial of the defamatory statements made. Also, I am alerting other colleagues and friends to the fact that malicious, untrue comments have been circulating, particularly among certain circles of young mainland Chinese feminists, including students, in the U.S. and China. As a feminist scholar and teacher, what else do I wish to express?
The feminists involved with this defamation have no true understanding of queer and feminist care, solidarity, community, or social justice; they use these words with some background in critical theory but fail to practice them. It is highly unethical and irresponsible to fabricate serious charges and spread them in public forums with a total disregard for facts.
Feminism should not be about wielding anger without thought as a distorted concept of justice.
Feminism should not be about attacking a Taiwanese American queer feminist who is an ally behind her back.
Feminism should not be about blatantly demonizing an untenured queer, non-white female academic as an authority figure.
Feminism should not be about blindly supporting friends who are acting in toxic, harmful ways.
Feminist activism, art, and writing are hollow and hypocritical when devoid of basic ethical considerations.
In gender studies classes, I teach my students about how feminists, women, and/or queers enact violence upon each other. We are hurt by systemic injustice in ways allowing us to view ourselves as victims; it might be easy to lash out in anger when triggered. But one’s own injury and/or trauma is not an excuse for enacting violence upon others. As a queer woman of color who has experienced illness and trauma, this is what I seek to demonstrate through my own example. I know how unkind the world can be. My classes are queer and feminist safe spaces where we share our different experiences of grief and hurt, and practice being gentle towards one another. But importantly, this space of care is possible only because of self-reflection. I teach students that — from an intersectional perspective — power relations are complicated and nuanced. One can be marginalized yet simultaneously implicated in violence towards others. It is hard to respond thoughtfully, not simply react. It is easier to direct rage towards obvious targets associated with the patriarchy and institutions of power; it is much harder to consider how we ourselves are never simply victims. These are the difficult lessons that I ask my students to work on together with me each semester in Hong Kong.
I strongly suggest that the feminists involved with this incident reflect upon their roles in enacting harm. As feminists, how do they plan to responsibly build communities that avoid toxic cultures? How will they develop authentic practices of care, solidarity, and social justice? What kind of person do you truly want to be as a feminist?
This situation has shaken but not destroyed my hopes concerning possibilities of solidarity between feminists. Thank you to friends, colleagues, and students who have offered your support and care throughout this time.
小紅書上的誹謗帖文由不知名的帳戶發布,後已被刪除;微信群組中的誹謗言論則由一個名為「一小撮毛」(亦被稱為「小毛」或「Echo」)、中國女權主義脫口秀組織「相当女子」的創辦人之一的用戶發表。根據用戶的公開資料,該名人士現正或曾在墨爾本大學修讀性別與發展的碩士課程。同時我也留意到至少另外一名人士牽涉在此誹謗事件中,而 ta 是一個受美國大學資助、宣傳和支持的中國離散群體酷兒女權主義組織創辦人之一。
女性主義非建立於盲目追隨 toxic、傷害他人的朋友。
我在性別研究課堂中教導學生,女性主義者、女性及或酷兒如何對彼此施加暴力。制度不公傷害我們之深,使我們視自己為受害者,也因如此我們輕易被trigger到,而以各種形式宣洩憤怒。然而,一個人的創傷及或痛楚不能延伸為暴力對待他人的藉口。身為歷受病痛和創傷的有色人種女同志,我藉此個人經驗展示如何面對世界的不友善。我竭力在課堂中以酷兒和女性主義理論營造「safe spaces」好讓每一個人溫柔善待彼此,分享私密的黯然與傷痕。更重要的是,這種人文關懷之可能全憑參與者的自省與覺察。從交叉性(intersectionality)的觀點分析,我向學生傳遞出權力關係的混雜與幽微。人可以同時被邊緣也衍生對他者的暴力。熟慮後直面「回應」(respond) 而非單純以情緒「反應」(react) 比想像中困難。隨意挑出父權制度和權力機關的相關人士並對之宣洩怨懟可以很輕易,困難的是突破受害者框架理解自我。在香港逗留期間,我邀請學生共同進入這些晦澀難解的命題。